
Other Resources

Climate Justice Fellow Program - Fellows will be selected from a diverse range of candidates from EJ communities. Through this opportunity, participants can deepen their understanding of environmental and climate issues while developing skills to empower their communities. Fellows will gain foundational knowledge on local Environmental and Climate Justice challenges, become community stakeholders, engage in meaningful interactions with technical experts, and network with community leaders, faculty mentors, and federal partners.

IQ Air Foundation - Through Clean Air for Kids and other initiatives, the Foundation promotes environmental justice by ensuring equal access to clean air, one of the most important foundations of human health, happiness, and success

EJ TCTAC - The Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Centers, EJ TCTACs, are a collaborative initiative of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).

North America Development Bank - NADBank is a binational financial institution established by the Governments of the United States and Mexico to provide financing to support the development and implementation of infrastructure projects, as well as to provide technical and other assistance for projects and actions that preserve, protect or enhance the environment in order to advance the well-being of the people of the United States and Mexico.

Organization of American States - The OAS uses a four-pronged approach to effectively implement its essential purposes. The Organization’s four main pillars––democracyhuman rightssecurity, and development––support each other and are intertwined through political dialogue, inclusiveness, cooperation, and legal and follow-up instruments that provide the OAS with the tools to maximize its work in the Hemisphere.

Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership - The partnership unites and amplifies our partners’ voices to advance America’s legacy of conservation, habitat, and access. 

Unlocking Green Energy Tax Credits - The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) creates significant opportunities for organizations to tap into tax credits for their green energy investments and manufacturing activities. Both private and public sector organizations can take advantage of these incentives, including government entities. Watch this on-demand video to learn: (1) What credits are available under the IR, (2) Which tax-exempt entities can take advantage of credits through cash refunds, (3) How certain credits can be bought and sold between taxpayers, and (4) How organizations must register to take advantage of certain benefits

White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council - The White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council (WHEJAC) has been established pursuant to Executive Order 14008, the White House council will not only bring greater visibility to EJ issues across the federal government but will provide EPA’s National Environmental Justice Advisory Council (NEJAC) with an excellent partner for providing horizon-expanding EJ advice and recommendations to our government’s leadership.  As EPA supports the formation of the White House council, we are continuing to support the consistent management of NEJAC, including with our annual membership recruitment process and convening public meetings.




Grant Writing Resources

Anese & Associates is a minority woman-owned full-service grant writing and resource firm that specializes in bringing State, local, and federal funding resources to communities who need them most. 

Environmental Protection Network harnesses the expertise of over 550 former EPA career staff and political appointees from across the country to serve as a trusted resource, answering calls for objective analysis, scientific rigor, and a vision for a transformed 21st century EPA.

Federal Funding Opportunities and Guidance (August 5, 2024, last updated)

Below and on EPN's website you will find resources and information on:


EPN’s Updated CCG Sample Narratives

1) EPN Resource Updates
EPN recently made some small revisions to strengthen Track I sample narrative and Track I Climate Resilience Hub sample. If you have used these samples to create your draft proposal, please review. If you have already submitted, ignore for now!
Please go to #1 on EPN's website for more information.


EPN’s CCG Technical Assistance

2) Updated Technical Assistance and Partner Request Form
If you are interested in finding partners or requesting technical assistance from EPN for this grant opportunity, please use EPN's new technical assistance request form and download a list of potential partners.
Please go to #2 on EPNs website for these links.

3) CCG TA Requests
As of September 1, 2024, EPN will only be able to provide Community Change Grant-related assistance to organizations or entities that have an advanced draft proposal and are looking to strengthen their application or seek draft review.
Please go to #3 on EPN's website for more information.


EPN’s Pre-Award Resources

4) General Resources for EPA Grantees
Once a grantee is announced, they must come to a formal grant award agreement with EPA, which can sometimes take 6 months or more. To ensure that as many EPA funds are obligated and flowing to projects as quickly as possible, EPN has compiled basic resources and instructions on many of the requirements and milestones that must be met.
Please go to #4 on EPN's website for more information.

5) Specific Pre-Award Resources for CPRG Grantees
EPN has and will continue to create pro bono resources and provide 1:1 support for grantees of EPA’s Climate Pollution Reduction Grant (CPRG) Program: Implementation Grants to help them through the EPA grant award process.
Please go to #5 on EPN's website for more information and to access EPN’s CPRG timeline, checklist, and webinar recording and slides; and to request 1:1 assistance.


DOT’s Reconnecting Communities Pilot (RCP) Grant Program and Reconnecting Communities Institute (RCI)

6) DOT’s RCP Grant Program and RCI Technical Assistance
There is up to $607 million available in the RCP Program, which aims to advance and support reconnection of communities divided by transportation infrastructure – with a priority on helping disadvantaged communities. Applications must be submitted by September 30, 2024. Potential applicants who are interested in pursuing a reconnecting type project but are not prepared to submit funding requests can submit a request for technical assistance through the RCI, which is also hosting free, virtual clinics and office hours.
Please go to #6 on EPN's website for more information.


Grant Writing 101

7) Grant Writing 101 with RCE Greater Atlanta
Join RCE Greater Atlanta virtually on August 8th at 1pm ET to learn some basic strategies and tactics for preparing for grant applications.
Please go to #7 on EPN's website for more information and to register.


Opportunity for Community Science Projects

8) Thriving Earth Exchange

The Thriving Earth Exchange supports community science by helping communities find resources, project managers, and experts to address their pressing concerns. They are seeking community partners who want to engage in community science projects. The deadline to apply is August 12, 2024.
Please go to #8 on EPN's website for more information.

Environmental Protection Network, P.O. Box 42022, Washington, DC 20015


EPA Grant Trainings

Management Concepts provides federal employees, teams, and agencies with training and workforce development solutions.

National Grants Management Association provides comprehensive full lifecycle grants management training, professional certification, continuing professional education, tools and resources, and a forum for networking with grants industry professionals.

OpenGrants is a search engine and marketplace for pro bono or low bono grant writers.

U.S. Department of Education Grant Administration Courses and Resources