
The South Central TCTAC happily shares events that are related to topics such as environmental and energy issues and other helpful resources. 


2-Day Course: Public Speaking for Non-Profit Professionals | September 19, 2024, 8:30 a.m. – 3 p.m. and September 26, 2024, 8:30 a.m. – 2 p.m. MDT

Having strong public speaking skills is a must in the non-profit sector for raising awareness, attracting donors, and building trust and credibility in the community. Whether you’re a non-profit executive director, development director, board member or entry level professional, this two-day seminar will help you become a better ambassador for your organization and improve your overall leadership skills.
Cost: $400 per person, lunch included ($375 for registrations prior to August 7, 2024).
Class size is limited to 16.
The Center for Hope and Healing, 4125 Carlisle Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM

EPA Grants Webinars | Various Dates | Remote 

EPA's Office of Grants and Debarment periodically hosts webinars for the EPA grants community. If you are interested in applying for EPA grants or are currently managing an EPA grant, please consider attending one of these webinars

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Past Events


Pathways to Sustainable Growth | August 7, 2024 | 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM MST

Learn about sustainable practices with a series of interactive exercises that will broaden your perspective and uncover new opportunities for improvement during this workshop. You’ll discover tools to help reduce environmental footprints, achieve substantial cost savings, and support best sustainable practices.  Benefits of attending:  expand market share, identify key impact areas, reduce environmental risks & impacts, jumpstart your environmental management system, improve health and safety, lower energy costs.

Beloved Community Equity at Work: Environmental and Energy Justice Cohort | June 2024 | Information Session May 30, 2024

The South Central TCTAC, an EPA Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Center, is launching an Equity at Work Cohort focused on supporting organizations in advancing their commitments to equitable and inclusive practices through their work in the Environmental/Energy sector. The equity at work cohort will be led by South Central TCTAC partner Beloved Community, a leader in fostering programs to advance equity in the workplace. The cohort brings together leadership teams for a 1-year equity journey. Beloved Community supports this select group of organizations to assess their practices, operationalize their equity commitments, develop sustainable equity solutions for their work, and advocate for inclusive practices for the environmental/energy workforce. Organizations will engage in region-wide interactions in each of the monthly capacity building sessions that will allow for peer learning and best practice sharing across Region 6. All teams conduct an organizational Equity Audit and complete the cohort with a multi-year Equity Work Plan.  Beloved Community is able to bring this scope of work to employers at no-cost through its partnership with the South Central TCTAC.

Learn More Here 


2024 Next Generation Water Summit | June 20-21 | 8:30 AM - 5:00PM MST

The theme of the 2024 Next Generation Water Summit is "Solutions in a Changing World".   The Next Generation Water Summit brings together the building and development community, water reuse professionals and water policymakers in a collaborative setting to share best practices and learn about innovative water conservation and water reuse techniques that can be used to comply with water conservation restrictions spreading across the southwest. 


Maximize the State and Federal Fiscal Recovery Fund Award in NM Webinar | May 30 | 2:00PM MST

State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds offer local governments and state agencies broad opportunities in maximizing federal funds. As we enter the final stretch of being able to use these dollars, come join in a focused training that will give you the tools to reach your goals with these funds on time and in compliance. 
Please join the New Mexico Department of Finance & Administration in this special in person and online session for all governments or agencies that have received State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds (aka COVID funds, SLFRF, or ARPA funds). Subrecipients are invited too to get maximum advantage.


New Mexico Regional Climate Resilience Workshops | Various Dates |  New Mexico

The New Mexico Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Department (EMNRD)’s Climate Policy Bureau (CPB) is hosting a series of community conversations across the state to debut and collect feedback on New Mexico’s first ever State Climate Adaptation and Resilience Plan (CARP). CPB will host community conversations in six communities, and along with input opportunities focused on Tribes and Pueblos.

Register Today


Business Sustainability Workshops | Various Dates | Louisiana

Keep Louisiana Beautiful (KLB) has partnered with LifeCity, a partner of the South Central TCTAC, an EPA-funded Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Center, to conduct three free workshops to help businesses and organizations take meaningful actions to be more environmentally responsible. Come learn how small changes in the way you do business can lessen your environmental impact and increase your sustainability efforts. All workshops are 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Lunch is provided by KLB. Seating is limited, and registration is required.


Event Flyer | Learn More Here


Equity in Roadway Safety Webinar | May 22 | 11:00AM MST

This FHWA webinar series is designed to share equitable strategies and tools that can be integrated into transportation programs and projects to close disparities in roadway fatalities on the way to our shared goal of zero deaths. In these sessions, State, regional, and local transportation professionals share innovative examples to inspire transportation professionals to equitably implementation transportation improvements. In 2024, the series will focus on equitable design strategies, dive deeper into equitable data analysis, and roadway safety for people experiencing homelessness.


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National Indian Health Board Free Grant Writing Institute | May 20 | 9:00AM MST

The National Indian Health Board (NIHB) invites you to join us for the 2024 Grant Writing Institute during the 2024 National Tribal Health Conference on May 20, 2024, in Rapid City, South Dakota.

The Grant Writing Institute is intended to assist Tribal environmental health and other Tribal professionals in applying for federal funding opportunities related to environmental justice. The in-person training will feature interactive exercises and presentations with content on budgets, logic models, project narratives, and more! Registration for the National Tribal Health Conference is not required to attend this institute.


Event Flyer | Register Here

Round 2 48C Tax Credit Information Webinar | May 16 | 12:00AM ET

The Department of the Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service, in partnership with DOE’s Office of Manufacturing & Energy Supply Chains (MESC), have announced up to $6 billion in a second round of tax credit allocations for projects that expand clean energy manufacturing and recycling projects; critical materials refining, processing and recycling projects; and projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions at industrial facilities.

This webinar will provide summarize the Round 2 guidance, including eligibility, the new simplified application process, and the updated list of 48C(e) energy communities. It will also walk through how to prepare and a submit a strong concept paper, the first required step in the application process.


Register Today


US Climate Leadership: Equity and Justice in the Green | April 23, 2024 | New York, NY & Virtual

Communities across the U.S. are taking community-driven climate action by updating their infrastructure to reduce emissions and make urban life safer, healthier, and greener for everyone. But equity advocates want to make sure that the process of “greening” America’s infrastructure prioritizes those who are most impacted by climate change and pollution. From updating electrical systems in dense residential areas, to ensuring that communities of color are prepared for the boom in climate-related careers, advocates are working toward building cities in which everyone can thrive.  

Learn More and Register

Impact Officer Roundtable | Monday, April 22nd | New Orleans, LA

Join the 2024 Love Your City Work for the Future campaign focused on equity in New Orleans. Discuss equity in industry and ways to honor your team with Impact Officers/Corporate Social Responsibility Officers across sectors. 

 Learn More and Register HERE


Cambio Climate Change Speaker Series | Various Dates | Las Cruces, NM

Event Flyer


El Paso Electric Environmental Justice Early Engagement Meeting | December 5, 2023 | Zoom 

Event Flyer


Community Exposures to Ethylene Oxide: Is Danger in the Air | December 14, 11am - 12pm MT | Webex 

Event Flyer